Converting text between encodings The The "new" procedure

The "new" procedure

This procedure only works if codecs implementing the new CUniCodec API are present on the device. Such codecs come with a class CUniCodecList, a convenient API for obtaining information about the codecs present on the device.

To obtain a CUniCodecList object, proceed as follows:

  RLibrary dll;
  _LIT(KUfcodecDllName, "\\System\\Unifep\\Ufcodec.dll");
  TInt err = dll.Load(KUfcodecDllName);
  if (err == KErrNotFound) {
    // New API not present - suggest to user to upgrade,
    // or fall back on old API
    // ...
  } else {
    TLibraryFunction entry = dll.Lookup(1);
    CUniCodecList *list = (CUniCodecList *) ((*entry)());
    // ... use the list object ...
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // list
Of course, dll and list would likely be members of one of your classes, typically the AppUi class.

Once a CUniCodecList object is available, you can easily search for codecs by UID or MIME-name. You can also use the object itself as the parameter for CEikChoiceList::SetArrayL if you wish to allow the user to select an encoding from all available ones. (Don't forget to call CEikChoiceList::SetArrayExternalOwnership(ETrue) to avoid destruction of the codec list by the choice list.)

CUniCodecList obtains its information from codec information files (CIF files) in \system\unifep\encoding. A CIF file lists a number of encodings with their MIME names, a long name (for presentation to the user), and a reference to the DLL that implements the encoding, with the export number to be used. The format is not formally documented, and future versions may include more information.

Otfried Cheong and Enfour, Inc. VersionĀ 2.59, December 31, 2000.

Converting text between encodings The The "new" procedure