OPL development Top Rendering to bitmaps Third party Unicode fonts

Third party Unicode fonts

In UniFEP V3 it is possible to add additional Unicode fonts. These fonts can be created with the FNTTRAN tool in the Symbian ER5 SDK. Follow the instructions in the ER5 SDK for creating a font file (GDR file), place the file in \System\Fonts, and do a soft reset.

When preparing the FNTTRAN source file (GD file), you can use code points 0 to 65535 (this is not mentioned in Symbian's documentation, but works fine with the version of FNTTRAN in the ER5 SDK). Use Unicode as the font encoding.

The code points 0x80 to 0xff need to be treated specially. Code points 0x80 to 0xbf must be absent from your font file. Code points 0xc0 to 0xff must be present, but their glyphs will never be used, and only the left and right adjust and glyph width are relevant. For a mono-spaced font, you should create blocks of the right width in this section.

To create glyphs for Unicode characters U+0080..U+00FF, add 0xdf00 to the code point to obtain the glyph position. For instance, you can have a glyph for the copyright sign (U+00A9) at glyph position 0xdfa9.

Since an example says more than a thousand words, have a look at the example sources for a Korean font, made from the Daewoo fonts in the XFree86 distribution. To compile this example, use

fnttran daewoo.gd daewoo.gdr
Note that the UIDs are for temporary use only and may not be released.

Note that fonts created according to these instructions will not work with UniFEP V2 (or earlier). It is not possible to have multiple Unicode fonts in the soft-loaded UniFEP versions.

Otfried Cheong and Enfour, Inc. Version 2.59, December 31, 2000.

OPL development Top Rendering to bitmaps Third party Unicode fonts