Version information OPL development Overview


UniOPX needs to be declared in the OPL source with the line:

INCLUDE "UniOpx.oxh"

The OPX provides functions to convert text to and from several coding systems, so file in- and output can be done in any supported coding system. Internally, text can be stored as you prefer, as long as it is converted to Unicode for display.

Which coding systems are available depends on the system installation. Each coding system is realized as a DLL in the directory \System\UniFEP\Encoding.

Unicode text entry through UniFEP is supported through dialogs (the dEDIT and dMULTIEDIT commands).

OPL programs can also exchange text with other applications through the clipboard. For instance, to implement the "paste" command, the program should react to the keypress Ctrl+V and read the clipboard using UOCopyFromClip&.

In the Japanese version of UniFEP two fonts are provided that fit the Unicode font better in their design than the built-in fonts: TB Gothic, and TBG Mono (a monospaced font). These fonts can be accessed with gFONT using the following UIDs (defined in UniOpx.oxh). Non-Japanese versions of UniFEP may not include these two new typefaces.

const KFontTBGothicNano& = &1000184a
const KFontTBGothicMicro& = &10001849
const KFontTBGothicTiny& = &10004351
const KFontTBGothicSmall& = &10004352
const KFontTBGothicNormal& = &10004353
const KFontTBGothicLarge& = &10004354

const KFontTBGothicMonoNano& = &10001854
const KFontTBGothicMonoMicro& = &1000184b
const KFontTBGothicMonoTiny& = &10004355
const KFontTBGothicMonoSmall& = &10004356
const KFontTBGothicMonoNormal& = &10004357
const KFontTBGothicMonoLarge& = &10004358

Note that programmers should not rely on a particular size for the fonts associated with these UIDs, as they may change between UniFEP releases. When necessary, check the font size and choose the font accordingly.

Otfried Cheong and Enfour, Inc. VersionĀ 2.59, December 31, 2000.

Version information OPL development Overview